Cheap flights to Salamanca Mexico:

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Cheap flights to Salamanca

We offer cheap flights to Salamanca Mexico from almost all major airports worldwide, with all the leading Airlines. Our flights to Salamanca packages experts always love to receive your calls, e mails or live chat to book your Salamanca flights with quality services to make your travel pleasant.
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Cheap Flights to Salamanca

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Top hotels in Salamanca
Ac Palacio San Esteban Salamanca
Located in the heart of the historic downtown of Salamanca, this old Convent of San Estevan, has been completely refurbished. It has maintained the style and the luxury of another era, without leaving aside the comfort and services of a five star hotel. This ancient city, famous for its university founded by Alfonso IX in the early 1200s, is well preserved, with turreted palaces, faded convents, Romanesque churches, and colleges that have attracted scholars from all over Europe. The only way to explore Salamanca conveniently is on foot, so arm yourself with a good map and set out to explore. Nearly all the attractions are within walking distance of the Plaza Mayor.
Still a youthful, spirited place because of the venerable Salamanca University, the city has been named a "World Heritage City" by UNESCO, one of six such cities in Spain. No country has more.
Driving Directions to Ac Palacio San Esteban Salamanca
Approximate driving time is 15 minutes and distance is 9 Miles /ters 15 Kilometers
Salamanca airport is located to the east of Salamanca, along the Salamanca Avila road.There is no public transport to and from the airport, but taxis are available from the arrivals terminal.

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